Monday, July 25, 2011

Junit 4

Just common JUnit 4 usages for my reference

JUnit 4 uses annotations, so naming convention is no more needed, which means

For Test Suite:

  • Test suite class doesn't have to extend the TestSuite class.
  • adding test cases is different from the way in JUnit 3



public class MyTestCases{


For Test Cases:
  • the test class doesn't have to extend TestCase
  • the test method name doesn't have to start with test

annotates test method in test class.

@Before and @After
test method level setUp and tearDown, they run before and after every test case.

@BeforeClass and @AfterClass
class level setUp and tearDown, they run once before and after all test cases.

ignore the test case, for example: @Ignore ("Not ready to run for now.")

Friday, October 3, 2008

junit.framework.JUnit4TestCaseFacade signer issue in Eclipse

When running a junt test in Eclipse (Ganymede), I got the following exception:

java.lang.SecurityException: class "junit.framework.JUnit4TestCaseFacade"'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package
at java.lang.ClassLoader.checkCerts(

It looks like the problem is because the Eclipse is using Junit 4. As soon as I switched it to Junit 3, it works fine.

To switch from Junit 4 to Junit 3. Click "Run" -> "Run configurations..."->"Test runner".